
Naturally Musical: A Happy Place

I seem to have known this tune composed by Andre Louis forever. It says lots of things to me, sunshine, relaxation, being in a good place. Now I can show you some of the things I think of when I hear this and also that music with nature sounds doesn't have to be all about new age and ambient!

Preview of Liquid Harmony

A demo of the nature sound Liquid Harmony. This, together with many other nature soundscapes, is available free in high quality MP3 format, from

DollChat: Dinnertime for Reborn Baby Brooke.

Little Brooke, being the size of a nine-month-old, is old enough to eat solid babyfood. This I purchased for her, all the way from the US, from a lady who makes fake food for films and broadway shows as well as to sell in her Etsy shop. It looks so incredibly real that it fools the unwary! I have great fun feeding my little live wire as you shall hear.

DollChat: Introducing Reborn toddler Brooke.

I had been waiting eight and a half months. Finally the day arrived. A reborn, hand-made to my specifications, the size of a nine-month-old girl was waiting for her first cuddle. Listen to our first meeting.

DollChat: Feeding Ozzie the Reborn Chimp.

Having a real live chimp around the house wouldn't be anyone's idea of a good time! But, as you can hear, Ozzie, my reborn chimp, can be a right little handful too, although a few grapes or a banana and he's anybody's!

DollChat: Reborn Baby Cassie's New Puppy Pal.

Meet Cassie the baby leprechaun. She got a purple leapfrog Puppy Pal for Christmas and it even knows her name. The puppy wants to be friends, but Cassie's not sure!

DollChat: Reborn Baby Ben and his New Toys.

Baby Ben is settling in and getting to grips, or not, with his new toys.

Preview of the Spa of Healing Waters

As part of the Sounds Natural project, a Soundscape entitled "The Spa of Healing Waters" was created. Here is a preview of what it offers and how this can be downloaded freely over the internet.

DollChat: Introducing Reborn Baby Ben.

Here you will find, as well as my new, some of my older Doll Chats which I saved in as good quality audio as I could. Here it is Christmas 2013 and I am about to meet a very special present, reborn baby ben.

Using RNIB Overdrive with JAWS

This was a post originally made to a social media site, and because of that, the audio quality is quite compressed. However, it does demonstrate using RNIB Overdrive with JAWS for Windows.


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